Magnesium Sulphate Easygro (1200) 25kg

Item No.150013118
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Magnesium sulphate Easygro  is a pure and easily soluble fertilizer.

Magnesium sulphate Easygro contains magnesium and sulfur and are directly absorbable by the plant. The fertilizer contributes to healthy growth of the crop and is used in vegetable and ornamental cultivation. This Easygro fertilizer is also suitable for foliar fertilization in case of magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is an important nutrient used for plant photosynthesis. It contributes as a building block of cell walls, chloroplasts and enzymes.

Benefits of Magnesium sulphate Easygro

  • Quickly soluble fertilizer
  • Source of magnesium and sulfur and sulphates
  • Suitable for fertilization via irrigation or foliar

Composition magnesium sulphate Easygro
Chemical formula: MgSO4·7H2O
 Sulfate (SO3) 32%
 Sulfur (S) 13%
 Magnesium (Mg) 9.6%
 Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 16%

Application magnesium sulphate Easygro
Magnesium sulphate Easygro can be used to prevent or solve a magnesium deficiency. It is not suitable for use in organic cultivation and must always be dissolved in the B container. This is to prevent precipitation with calcium.
Magnesium sulphate Easygro is used in combination with a wetting agent to dry the crop. This product results from a chemical reaction and can therefore not be used in organic cultivation. Always dissolve magnesium sulphate in the B container to prevent precipitation with calcium-containing fertilizers.

Magnesium sulphate is hygroscopic, which means that they attract moisture. To prevent the product from clumping, this fertilizer must be stored in a dry and cool room.

Magnesium Sulphate Easygro (1200) 25kg

Item No.150013118
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Magnesium sulphate Easygro  is a pure and easily soluble fertilizer.

Magnesium sulphate Easygro contains magnesium and sulfur and are directly absorbable by the plant. The fertilizer contributes to healthy growth of the crop and is used in vegetable and ornamental cultivation. This Easygro fertilizer is also suitable for foliar fertilization in case of magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is an important nutrient used for plant photosynthesis. It contributes as a building block of cell walls, chloroplasts and enzymes.

Benefits of Magnesium sulphate Easygro

  • Quickly soluble fertilizer
  • Source of magnesium and sulfur and sulphates
  • Suitable for fertilization via irrigation or foliar

Composition magnesium sulphate Easygro
Chemical formula: MgSO4·7H2O
 Sulfate (SO3) 32%
 Sulfur (S) 13%
 Magnesium (Mg) 9.6%
 Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 16%

Application magnesium sulphate Easygro
Magnesium sulphate Easygro can be used to prevent or solve a magnesium deficiency. It is not suitable for use in organic cultivation and must always be dissolved in the B container. This is to prevent precipitation with calcium.
Magnesium sulphate Easygro is used in combination with a wetting agent to dry the crop. This product results from a chemical reaction and can therefore not be used in organic cultivation. Always dissolve magnesium sulphate in the B container to prevent precipitation with calcium-containing fertilizers.

Magnesium sulphate is hygroscopic, which means that they attract moisture. To prevent the product from clumping, this fertilizer must be stored in a dry and cool room.